5 Reasons You're Limiting

Yourself In Business

Hold the hustle and push pause on procrastination. Let’s uncover what is holding you back from achieving success in your business.

Learn how to stop limiting yourself and grow your business fast!

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Cracking The Success Code 2nd Edition

Irene Nakamura teamed up with other leading entrepreneurs and professionals, including best-selling author, Brian Tracy, to release the new book, “Cracking the Success Code Vol 2,” which offers incredible insight into the entrepreneurial journey, and focusses on the catalysts for success.

Honolulu, Hawaii - October 31, 2021 – CEO of iDepo Reporters and iDepo Hawaii, LLC, Irene Nakamura recently signed a publishing deal to co-write the forthcoming book, Cracking the Success Code Vol 2, published by CelebrityPress® LLC.

In addition to Irene’s expertise, the publication features content from world-renowned entrepreneur, professional speaker, and best-selling author Brian Tracy. The book will be released under the CelebrityPress® LLC imprint, a leading business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world.

Irene Nakamura was asked to contribute to the book because of her commitment to professional success and her willingness to share her extensive knowledge around entrepreneurship. Her professional expertise makes her an asset to the publication and will certainly benefit a wide range of readers.

Cracking the Success Code Vol 2 is tentatively scheduled for release in early 2022.

A portion of the royalties earned from Cracking the Success Code Vol 2 will be donated to Entrepreneur’s International Fund, an organization dedicated to creating awareness for charitable causes.

Asian Women Trailblazers

Who Boss Up

Her advice for other entrepreneurs is not to second-guess their dreams. Just take the first step. “Don’t wait until you feel you are ready, because nobody is ever ready,” she says. “And don’t worry about not knowing everything ahead of time. You will figure it out. Don’t worry if everything doesn’t go exactly to plan. That’s how life is; nothing ever goes to plan.”

Most important, don’t discuss your big ideas and dreams with those who want to pull you down.

“Sometimes you cannot completely divorce a toxic person in your life because maybe they are a family member. Well, don’t talk to them about your business. When they ask, ‘How is business?’ you say, ‘Great,’ and move on,” she says. “Talk to the people who will actually support you, who are genuinely happy with your success. Find your tribe of power people, those like-minded and positive people, and that is who you speak to.”

Irene has much more to share about how she managed to free herself of cultural expectations to stay in the background and ignore her own needs. You can find her story in the inspiring new book Asian Women Trailblazers Who Boss Up, a collection of interviews with female entrepreneurs that is a rich resource for Asian women but also for all women looking for models and mentors to help guide their journeys to greatness.

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