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Cracking the Success Code 2nd Edition

When you crack the success code, you get to finally unlock your closely guarded, true potential. Once you've busted that safe open, there's no limit to what you can achieve...

The incredible experts who have contributed to this book are all, without exception, examples of what's possible when you finally crack the code!


114 Pages

9 Chapters

Best Seller

About the Book

Irene Nakamura teamed up with other leading entrepreneurs and professionals, including best-selling author, Brian Tracy, to release the new book, “Cracking the Success Code Vol 2,” which offers incredible insight into the entrepreneurial journey, and focusses on the catalysts for success.

Irene Nakamura was asked to contribute to the book because of her commitment to professional success and her willingness to share her extensive knowledge around entrepreneurship. Her professional expertise makes her an asset to the publication and will certainly benefit a wide range of readers.

About the Author


Founder and CEO of iDepo Reporters and iDepo Hawaii, LLC, a full-service, nationally certified court reporting and litigation support company with offices in three states. Irene has built a nationwide team of more than 1,000 court reporters by offering a personal and professional work environment. iDepo is empowered to personalize and customize services for each client. "We treat each case, no matter the size, as if it were our

only one."

114 Pages

9 Chapters

Best Seller




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